Washington Elementary School
1205 SE Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 Ph: 541-276- 2241
Aimee VanNice, Principal
October 8, 2020
Dear Families,
We will soon be administering our iReady Diagnostic Assessments in the areas of Reading and Math to 3rd – 5th grade students. Your child’s teacher will communicate with you, regarding specific dates that the assessments will be given. These assessments are critical in helping us accurately determine your child’s skill level. Each assessment asks questions pertaining to a variety of academic standards. Please DO NOT ASSIST your child during the diagnostic assessment. Your child will answer questions that will be simple for them to complete. Your child will also be asked questions that challenge them. If your child is stumped by a question, we encourage them to do their best and move to the next question. When the assessment is complete, the results help teachers accurately set each student’s iReady instruction, designing lessons that meet their exact skill level. If the Diagnostic Assessments are inaccurate, then the iReady lessons they receive between now and January will also be inaccurate. Your child’s teacher will inform you and your child of the dates that the reading and math assessments will be given. Your child will take these assessments DURING their Teacher Facilitated Learning time. Techers will assist students in getting started and monitor their progress. The Diagnostic Assessment may take several Teacher Facilitated Learning sessions to complete. During this time, they will be UNABLE to complete iReady lessons during their Applied Learning time, because iReady will be set to assessment mode. During this time, teachers will REMOVE iReady from their Applied Learning tasks.
Again, accurate results are very important, and we cannot thank you enough for following the guidelines above, as these assessments are administered. We appreciate your support. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child’s teacher or myself.
Aimee VanNice, Principal